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The team here at Quantum takes a less traditional approach in the way that we support clients in overcoming anxiety once and for all. Our proven holistic anxiety therapy aims to be the last anxiety counseling you ever need, starting with reconsidering the way we define your experience with personal or social anxiety.

1. For holistic anxiety therapists, anxiety lives more in the body than the mind.

Groundbreaking research from Dr. Stephen Porges has shown that the vast majority of anxiety (80%, in fact!) actually occurs more in the body than the mind. If you are like the 75% of our clients who have had previous more traditional anxiety therapy before and didn’t get the results you were hoping for, this may be why. Many folks find that more traditional talk therapy models which tend to have us going in circles discussing anxiety are only minimally impactful. This is because we have to target the areas of the body where anxiety is stored and where it activates most; namely, the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Quantum’s holistic anxiety counseling team doesn’t just help you to “cope” with anxiety, but we focus on getting to the root until it feels like the anxiety was never there at all. In addition to teaching you evidence-based coping strategies, we will create a unique regimen of breath and body practices that preemptively get ahead of the anxiety and regulate the ANS to the point where your capacity to manage anxiety in the first place is greatly increased. This is the magic of somatic therapy, breathwork, EMDR, and other “bottom-up” approaches. Our clients begin to see results very quickly when working with their holistic therapist here at Quantum, which is the first step in creating long-term, sustainable and lasting change in overcoming personal and social anxiety.

2. For holistic anxiety counselors, the opposite of anxiety is…

Anxiety always lives in the future; while it may be possible to worry about something in the past occurring again in the future, anxiety does not live in the past. Sit with that for a moment and you will find it to be true. The future is inherently unpredictable and always ends in a question mark; who, what, where, how, why, and when? If you think about something that makes you personally or socially anxious, you will notice that the thought in your mind often ends with one of these question marks.

Oftentimes we go through great lengths to avoid feeling anxiety; we try to control this experience with social media doom scrolling, Netflix binges, alcohol use or recreational substances, gambling, sex or pornography, spending money on needless items for a dopamine rush… the list goes on and on. Instead of attempting to control our emotional state with unsustainable coping strategies such as these, the holistic anxiety therapists at Quantum focus more on controlling our internal experience through nervous system regulation practices which are scientifically proven and have been trusted for generations across space and time.

3. For holistic anxiety therapists, anxiety attacks and panic attacks are not completely a “bad” thing

We do not believe that there is fundamentally anything “wrong” with you; you are already whole, you are just a product of the things that have happened in your life and the body and mind have responded accordingly. You did not begin your life feeling this way, and you do not need to continue feeling this way in the future.

Our holistic counseling team has expertise in understanding how when we ignore the cues from the body, it holds anxiety and stress within the body which can build over time into a panic attack. As holistic therapists, we do not believe this indicates a “disorder” as much as a natural cause and effect in accordance with science. Whether your anxiety symptoms impact you emotionally, socially, or cause nausea and panic attacks, we have tremendous success using somatic therapy approaches to not only reduce your symptoms, but to get to the root and stop them from occurring once and for all. You can learn more about our holistic approach by visiting our anxiety therapy page.