Has Past Trauma Become Part Of Your Identity?
- Do you notice trauma triggers showing up and impacting your relationships?
- Are you living with a sense of fear or discomfort that wasn’t always there?
- Are you doing your best to heal from trauma on your own, but are losing hope?
The impact of trauma can leave its mark for decades without proper, evidence-based trauma treatment. As holistic trauma therapists, we believe that trauma triggers are nothing more than “normal reactions to abnormal circumstances.” Many folks who call us share feelings of shame and hopelessness around how they manage trauma triggers. If you can relate, holistic trauma counseling can help.
Trauma’s Impact Can Feel Like There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Us
The word “trauma” is Greek for “wound” and just like a visible injury to the body, a wound can be healed. Although we can’t change what happened in the past, we can change our relationship to whatever has occurred and thus support you in healing that wound once and for all through holistic trauma therapy. The holistic therapists at Quantum wholeheartedly believe that there is nothing fundamentally “wrong” with you; you are just experiencing the natural results of a single or repeated traumatic event from the past.
Holistic trauma and PTSD treatment can treat a host of symptoms, from relationship reactivity to substance use and addiction, to school and career-related challenges, to anxiety and sleep issues. Many individuals who call us experience additional symptoms such as panic attacks, depressive symptoms, flashbacks, nightmares, or just feel numb and empty. Your holistic counselor at Quantum will help you understand your unique trauma symptoms based on cutting edge science and can help you find deeper meaning in both the hardship and your healing journey.